My story/ About my Brand

Although my journey into motherhood was joyous and exciting, I, like many other women went through massive physical and mental changes. Being a full-time student and first-time mother was overwhelming, the stress from trying to juggle the two, began to take a toll on my hair and eventually my mental health.  My hair loss began a few weeks postpartum, I would notice little stands here and there, eventually, those strands turned into massive chunks on my pillows and in my shower. I felt hopeless, and extremely unattractive the more hair fell, the lower my self-esteem went. I was desperate for a solution. I turned to online sources like YouTube, Tik-Tok, and Twitter for help. Unfortunately for me the time commitment and money required to upkeep these regimens were too much for my busy schedule. Around this time the many older women in my family came to visit me and my newborn. Although embarrassed, I shared the struggles I was having with my hair with them expressing my unhappiness out loud for the first time. They, like always comforted me and began to tell me about their experiences with postpartum hair loss, as well as the ancient beauty practices of our ethnic ancestors. Through this talk with my family, I began to reflect on my current beliefs around health and beauty. I was ashamed to admit I had never thought about researching the ways Chadian women took care of their hair. (They are known for their long healthy hair) I had adopted a western beauty standard, and belief around black hair.  My grandmother in Chad shipped me some products and as the ever-curious person that I am, I began to mix these ingredients and put them in my hair. Over the past year, I have seen tremendous hair growth, I have also realized that my beauty didn’t begin in Paris or America, it began where my roots are planted, in my home with my ancestors. This life lesson has changed my relationship with my hair and the way that I see myself. and others who look like me. The idea to create Amira Secrete came to me because many people with hair like mine have been led astray, we have been taught that our hair is difficult, and that is just not true. Black hair is beautiful and very easy to take care of. I hope by creating my products women and girls everywhere who are a reflection of me and my daughter will be able to see and connect with their beauty and roots.